Board Meeting Public Participation
Board meetings are hybrid format and the public may participate either in-person at the Pleasanton Unified School District Office, Boardroom, 5758 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588 or on Zoom. See meeting agenda for details.
Comment Forms (Speaker Cards)
There are two types of Comment Forms (speaker cards) for Board meetings. If you would like to submit a comment to the Board at an upcoming meeting (both in-person or on Zoom), please submit one of the following links prior to the start of the meeting:
- The YELLOW Comment Form is for specific items ON the agenda.
Yellow comment forms will be addressed following Board discussion of the specific item. - The BLUE Comment Form is for items NOT on the agenda.
Blue comment forms will be addressed at the "Public Comments from the Community" item. By law, trustees may not enter into discussion nor take action on items not previously published on the agenda. Note, Special Board meetings do not have a "Public Comments from the Community" item.
Public Comment Process For Zoom Participation
If you plan on submitting public comment to the Board via Zoom, follow these steps:
- Submit a speaker card, see links above.
- Join the meeting using the Zoom link on the agenda.
- When the agenda item is being addressed, use the "raise hand" function when public comment is open. You will be un-muted when your name is called and re-muted after the allowed time.
- TV30 is allowing only "audio" and will add a full screen "public comment" when the speaker is talking.
- Individual speakers shall be allowed no more than three (3) minutes to address the Board on an item.