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Child Nutrition Services

Universal free meals will continue into the 2024-25 school year.News: Media Release Free & Reduced Meals

Pleasanton USD will continue to provide meals at no charge to students from TK to 12th grade. All students can receive one breakfast and one lunch at no charge daily. Students must provide their student ID # at the point of sale (POS) terminal at the cafeteria for the meal.

Additional meals are available for purchase so long as student has positive balance in MySchoolBucks Account. Please ensure your student keeps their student ID # confidential.

All meals come with an entree, fruit, vegetable, and milk

Students are not required to participate in the free meal program, but if they do, the meal must include a fruit or veggie per federal guidelines. Milk is optional.

No application is required! However, we do request families complete a meal application to support district funding and to continue to receive other benefits for your family.

Interested in joining our team?

We're hiring! If you or someone you know might be interested in joining the CNS team, check out our posting on by searching Pleasanton and Nutrition. Questions? Call (925) 426-4417.

The Pleasanton Unified School District's Child Nutrition Services Department is committed to enhancing the learning environment by providing a variety of foods that support healthy eating habits, positive adult/student interaction, and fast service. We are proponents of a balanced approach to healthy diets for children, appreciate all food in moderation, while recognizing nutrition education, physical activity and parental support through modeling as crucial components for our children's health, now and in the future.
