Portable Replacement and New Science Labs
Amador Valley High School
The AVHS project is expected to go out for bid in summer of 2020 with construction starting in fall. The anticipated completion fall 2021.
Construction of a new 2-story classroom building and associated site work in 2 phases.
Phase 1: Construction of 2 SDC classrooms, 2 science classrooms with prep rooms, 1 standard classroom, custodian room, utility rooms, elevator, restrooms and related site work.
Phase 2: Construction of 6 standard classrooms, 1 science classroom with prep room, and related site work.
$16,684,000 (Project Budget)
Project Status Updates
Feb. 1, 2022
November 2021
As of November 2021, the majority of the building work has gone into the interior. The steel roofing is completed and everyday has a multitude of various trades onsite, with casework being the latest addition. Aesthetically, the building moves closer towards completion as painters bring color in on the outside.
May 7, 2021
Jan. 13, 2021
Sept. 12, 2020
DSA Approved! The project has hit a major milestone, DSA has approved the project drawings for construction. The project has now entered the bidding phase. Bids from contractors are due Sept. 22, 2020. Ground breaking will take place the first week in October. Check back for the ground breaking ceremony date we would love to see you there.
May 21, 2020
The project plans to DSA in late 2019 and are anticipating the drawings to be returned and approved by the start of summer. In the interim, the design team along with the district construction managers are doing thorough page by page constructability reviews of the drawings and technical specifications. Through these detailed examinations, the team will be able to discover and root out potential issues that could occur during the bidding and/or construction phase.
Foothill High School
The project is expected to go out for bid in summer of 2020 with construction starting in the summer. The anticipated construction completion is fall 2021.
Construction of a new 2-story classroom building and associated site work.
Phase 1: Construction of three engineering classrooms, two science classrooms with utility rooms, elevator and related site work. Provide automatic fire sprinkler system at existing Building J.
Phase 2: Construction of one engineering classroom, one science prep room, two computer labs, restroom, custodial room and related site work.
Project Status Updates
May 7, 2021
Jan. 13, 2021
Construction began in October 2020. Currently site utilities are being located and the building bad is being constructed. Additionally, the State Approved a grant submitted by the High School's CTE team and it was selected by the state to receive $3 Million Dollars of additional funding. This will help fund a new workshop building that will be at Foothill, for CTE use. The new building will be constructed after the current building is completed.
Hart Middle School
This project is in the early design development stage, the team is working on developing plans, with the goal of having construction drawings submitted to DSA in fall 2020. Construction is anticipated to start in spring of 2021 and completion the following year in summer of 2022.
This project will add six new classrooms to the Hart Middle School campus. These classrooms will be for multiple science disciplines and will allow for instructors and students to have a hands-on learning experience; the spaces will be equipped with a full laboratory set up. Aside from the new addition, the existing science buildings will be repurposed and converted into standard classrooms and four portable buildings will be removed from the site.
Project Status Updates
Latest Update
The project has fully moved over to the front of the school as the site work portion of the project kicks off. Massive excavation of hardscape, removal of trees and removal of abandoned utilities have been the first steps in preparing for the new building construction in spring 2022. Meanwhile in the background, the design team, District, and lease-lease back developer have been hard at work to provide a complete submission of the building plans for review by the Division of the State Architect and was formally deemed completed and accepted for review in early December.
May 7, 2021
DSA Approval of Phase I and Increment I have both been achieved! Phase I the new parking lot and drop off construction has commenced. The parking lot and new drop off will greatly reduce traffic on the surrounding streets by adding over 300 ft. of additional drop off lane and replacing the parking lot where the new building is going to be placed. Construction on the sitework for the new building will commence fall 2021.
Nov. 10, 2020
Schematic design and design development has been completed. Phase I which includes construction of a new parking lot to replace the parking spots taken by the new building. Phase II which is the construction of the new building is in design and expected to be out of DSA February 2021. As part of the design process the team created full size mock ups of the science rooms to assist the staff with conceptualizing the space.
May 21, 2020
SFA (architect firm) has been contracted as the architect on record for this project and will work directly with the district, campus, and construction management team through the entire project. Their current priority is developing the first iteration of the drawings. To help SFA, the district and construction management team are in the process of contracting engineers and surveyors to perform site evaluations with geotechnical reports and topographic surveys. Extensive design process with the board subcommittee is ongoing and the schematic design is being worked on with the site. Geotechnical drilling and site surveys are completed. Procurement for CEQA consultants is also completed.