The Home Language Survey (HLS) is completed by parents upon their student's initial enrollment in CA public schools. If the survey filled out during PUSD enrollment indicates a home language influence other than English, the Research & Evaluation Department will review California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) history.
If CALPADS records show an EL proficiency history from another CA public school, that EL status follows the student into PUSD and the original HLS completed on first enrollment in another district will take precedence over the HLS completed at PUSD.
If there is no previous CA public school history and this is the student's first enrollment in a CA school, then they will take the Initial English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) to determine the student's proficiency level. Students who score "Novice" or "Intermediate" on the Initial ELPAC, or who have pre-existing CALPADS records as English Learners through previous CA public school assessments, will be eligible for ELD programming. The Research & Evaluation Department will update the EL proficiency in Q to match CALPADS records and the most recent ELPAC assessment results.