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Professional Development

PUSD employees are fortunate to have many opportunities for professional development and collaboration.

Professional Staff Development

The District sponsors three days of professional staff development during the course of the school year. District staff work with teachers and principals to identify and plan site-specific, district-wide and specialists group training sessions.

Collaboration Periods

Teachers also work with one another during collaboration periods during the school week. This collaborative work is very instrumental in maintaining consistency of curriculum design and sharing best practices with one another. Collaborative periods will be provided at all grade levels. 

Ongoing Professional Development

Ongoing professional development is a very high priority in Pleasanton Unified School District. It is a priority for our new teachers, most of whom participate in an intensive, two year induction program which is called Pleasanton Teacher Induction Project. Professional development is also a high priority for all other teachers who participate in three mandatory staff development days each year (funded mostly by the state) and have the opportunity to be compensated for up to three additional days (funded through District funds).

In addition our teachers and other staff are encouraged and take advantage of extensive training opportunities at school site and on their own.

Calendar of Staff Development Offerings

The District Curriculum Department regularly publishes staff development calendars. These calendars are emailed regularly to all employees. If you have specific questions, please contact Ryan Kelly at (925) 426-4326.