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Summer Programs

In response to budget constraints, our 2025 Summer Programs will see a reduction in scope from what was offered in previous years. PUSD will provide required services to students who qualify for Extended School Year. Additionally, students who do not meet the requirements to graduate in May 2025 will be provided with the opportunity to take up to two courses during the summer session and graduate in June 2025. No other remediation or English Language Development opportunities will be offered.

We recognize that this presents a change in practice. Our Early and Expanded Learning programs, community partners, and the City of Pleasanton, will all offer opportunities for students of all grade levels during the summer.

The Early and Expanded Learning Department will once again offer PUSD Elementary Summer Camp at each Kids Club campus. The camp operates Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the months of June and July. Learn More

High school students who need to remediate grades and gain credits for failed courses will have the opportunity to do so through the PUSD Saturday Academy and B Period credit recovery programs. Qualified students will receive invitations to apply to these programs.