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California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)

“Starting Smarter” Family Website for CAASPP

To help empower parents/guardians and families to become partners in their children’s academic success, the California Department of Education (CDE) and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) have created the “Starting Smarter" family website for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) including information on Student Score Reports and resources for the California Science Test (CAST), the California Spanish Assessment (CSA), and the California Alternate Assessments (CAA).

Using this website, which is available in both English and Spanish, families can become involved in their child’s progress and:

  • Learn more about the performance areas in each subject and grade.
  • See sample test questions.
  • Prepare for parent-teacher conferences with a useful downloadable guide.
  • Access high-quality resources to support learning at home.

Starting Smarter for the CAASPP (available in English and Spanish) can be found at Starting Smarter's website.

You Can Access CAASPP and Initial/Summative ELPAC Student Score Reports Electronically!

Each year all students who are English Learners are assessed annually on their English Language Proficiency through the English Learner Proficiency Assessment in California (ELPAC). The California Department of Education has developed an electronic process for each school district to share student scores for ELPAC. All State Assessment Student Score Reports are available electronically through the ParentVUE portal of our Student Information System, Synergy. 

Currently, all Student Score Reports for the previous three years of ELPAC are available in the parent portal of our Student Information System, Synergy. All parents and guardians can access these reports by logging in to ParentVUE and clicking on the State Tests link on the left hand side of the dashboard, to view downloadable PDFs of the ELPAC and CAASPP score reports. It is recommended to access the parent portal with a desktop, laptop or tablet for optimal viewing.

Parents and guardians can access these reports by logging into the ParentVUE portal and clicking on the State Tests link, as illustrated in these links:

CAASPP Description

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is intended to provide parents, teachers, administrators and students with accurate and actionable information about what students are learning. The CAASPP System encompasses the following assessments and student participation requirements. Information about the content and format of each test is also provided.

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) FAQ

CAASPP Information

For more information regarding CAASPP, please visit the CAASPP System Website