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California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)

California Healthy Kids Survey & School Climate Surveys

The Pleasanton Unified School District asks students in grades 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and all of Alternative Education to participate in the Healthy Kids Survey, sponsored by the California Department of Education. This very important survey, required by law, helps promote better health among our community’s youth and combat problems such as drug abuse and violence. The survey has been approved by the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, Office of the Attorney General, the Department of Health Services, and our local Board of Education.

The California Healthy Kids Survey and School Climate Surveys has been administered every other school year in the past.  Beginning in 2024, the CHKS will be administered every school year. The 2024 Survey modules were administered in October/November 2024.

review Contents of the Survey Modules

Information and results from the most recent test administrations are posted on CalSCHLS.

Use the dashboard to examine and graphically display the most recent state and district CHKS results for elementary and secondary schools. You can also examine trends over time and disparities across student subgroups.

Elementary school results can be displayed for 21 indicators for all 5th grade students, males and females, and by participation in after-school programs. Statewide results come from data aggregated across all districts in California that administered the elementary survey.

Secondary school results can be presented for 23 indicators from the Core Survey Module and 12 indicators from the School Climate Module. Results can be examined across 11 subgroups. Statewide results come from the Biennial State Survey, a randomly selected representative sample of secondary schools in California.