Health Services
The mission of Health Services is to strengthen and facilitate the educational process by improving and protecting the health status of children and by identifying and assisting in the removal or modification of health-related barriers to learning. Health Services; therefore, contributes directly to PUSD’s overall mission of educating students to become well-informed, productive and socially responsible citizens.
Health Offices
A Health Services Assistant who has been trained in basic CPR and First Aid provides care to the students who visit the School Health Office. Some of the care provided by the Health Services Assistant, under the supervision of the District Nurses, include basic first aid, medication administration, immunization enforcement, and communicable disease control.
Parents are encouraged to communicate with the School Health Services Assistant and District Nurses on any health related issues so we can better meet your child’s health needs in school to promote the best learning environment for your student.
To contact your student’s health services assistant, please visit each school’s website. To contact the District Nurses, please visit our Staff Directory.
Emergency Contact Information
For the protection of a student's health and welfare, the PUSD requires the parent or legal guardian of a student to keep current at the student's school of attendance, emergency information including the home address and telephone number, business address and telephone number of the parents or guardian, and the name, address and telephone number of a relative or friend who is authorized to care for the pupil in any emergency situation if the parent or legal guardian cannot be reached. (Ed Code 49408). Parents or legal guardians complete this information on the ParentVUE portal. PUSD also requests current health status information be kept updated through the ParentVUE portal.
Tobacco-Free District
Per Tobacco-Free District Policy–Policy 1510, effective July 1, 1994, smoking and the use of tobacco products by all persons shall be prohibited on school district property. This shall include school buildings, grounds, and school owned vehicles.