Past CSEA Negotiations Updates
Classified School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter 155
District /CSEA Joint Communication on Negotiations 2023-2024
October 8, 2024
On Tuesday, October 8, 2024 the District and CSEA met to continue negotiations for 2024-25.
The District and CSEA signed the following tentative agreement:
- New Classified Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Job Descriptions supported by Proposition 28 funds for the following positions:
- Theater Production Specialist
- Arts Curriculum Assistant
- Arts Instructional Assistant
Discussions were held with plans to continue negotiations related to the following items:
- Article 8: Wages - “Me too” Salary Schedule Increase related to APT Additional Years of Service Credit in 2023-24
- Article 7: Health and Welfare Benefits - to address the increase of 8.9% ($91.49) in the CALPERS Kaiser Single Rate for 2025
- Article 6: Evaluation Procedure - form revised, language still under discussion
- Article 21: Reclassification - no discussion of this article yet
CSEA sent a ballot on 10/13/24 for CSEA members to vote on the negotiated VAPA Job Descriptions; once ratified they will be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. We continue to utilize the IBB model in a collaborative process. The next negotiations session is scheduled for October 25, 2024 to continue discussions on the proposed reopeners by the District and CSEA.
September 16, 2024
On Monday, September 16, 2024 the District and CSEA met to continue negotiations for 2024-25.
Discussions were held with plans to continue negotiations related to the following items:
- Article 8: Wages - “Me too” Salary Schedule Increase related to APT Additional Years of Service Credit in 2023-24
- Article 7: Health and Welfare Benefits - To address the Increase of 8.9% ($91.49) in the CALPERS Kaiser Single Rate for 2025
- Proposed new Proposition 28 Classified Visual and Performing Arts Job Descriptions
- Article 6: Evaluation Procedure
- Article 21: Reclassification, no discussion of this article yet
- Weekend Custodian Position
The negotiations continue to be very collaborative using the IBB model. The next negotiations session is scheduled for October 8, 2024 to continue discussions on the proposed reopeners by the District and CSEA.
August 15, 2024
On Thursday, August 15, 2024 the District and CSEA met to continue negotiations for 2024-25. The District and CSEA signed the following tentative agreement:
- Article 12: District Required Uniforms
- CSEA has reached an agreement with the District regarding the number of uniforms provided annually to staff and the issuance of safety gear and clothing as needed in particular circumstances.
- Human Resources Reorganization and updated Job Descriptions for the following HR positions:
- Leaves/Benefits Specialist (new)
- HR Technician II (revised)
Discussions were held with plans to continue negotiations related to the following items:
- Weekend Custodian Position
- Article 6: Evaluation Procedure
The Human Resources reorganization MOU will be presented to CSEA members for ratification and the associated job descriptions will be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval at the August 22, 2024, Board Meeting, pending ratification by CSEA. Article 12 revisions agreed upon will be presented to CSEA members for ratification upon completion of negotiations on all reopeners.
The negotiations continue to be very collaborative using the IBB model. The next negotiations session is scheduled for September 16, 2024 to continue discussions on the proposed reopeners by the District and CSEA.
July 16, 2024
On Tuesday, July 16, 2024 the District and CSEA met to continue negotiations for 2024-25. The District and CSEA signed the following tentative agreement:
- Article 5.3.2: Trial Period
CSEA has reached an agreement with the District allowing for a member to return to a previous position provided certain criteria are met.
Initial discussions were held with plans to continue negotiations related to the following items:
- Human Resources Reorganization and Updated Job Descriptions
- Article 12: District Required Uniforms
The items agreed upon will be presented to CSEA members for ratification upon completion of negotiations on all reopeners. The negotiations continue to be very collaborative using the IBB model. The next negotiations session is scheduled for August 15, 2024 to continue discussions on the proposed reopeners by the District and CSEA.
June 20, 2024
On Thursday, June 20, 2024 the District and CSEA met to continue negotiations for 2024-25. The District and CSEA signed the following MOU agreements:
- Early Expanded Learning (EEL) revised Job Descriptions for the following EEL positions to meet the needs of the program.
- Family Services Specialist
- Expanded Learning Program Lead
Initial discussions were held with plans to continue negotiations related to the following items:
- STEAM Preschool and Horizon Alignment of programs
- Potential new job descriptions for the MOT department
- Human Resources Reorganization and Updated Job Descriptions
The items agreed upon will be presented to CSEA members for ratification and to the Board of Trustees for approval at the June 27, 2024, Board Meeting, pending ratification by CSEA. We continue to utilize the IBB model in a collaborative process. The next negotiations sessions is scheduled for July 16, 2024 to continue discussions on the proposed reopeners by the District and CSEA.
May 20, 2024
- MOU for Classified Vacation Accrual May 2024
- MOU for the Child Nutrition Services (CNS) Reorganization and Updated Job Descriptions for following CNS positions:
Once CSEA completes its ratification process of the above agreed upon items, they are planned to be brought to the Board of Trustees for approval at the June 13, 2024 Board Meeting. The negotiations continue to be very collaborative using the IBB model. The next negotiations session is scheduled for June 20, 2024 to continue discussions on the proposed reopeners by the District and CSEA.
May 3, 2024
On Friday, May 3, 2024 the District and CSEA concluded the "me-too" negotiations with a signed Tentative Agreement. Both parties agreed on how to apply the additional salary and compensation received by APT to the CSEA contract. It was mutually agreed that both APT and CSEA members can now access the same medical contribution benefit of the single Kaiser coverage, thus additional compensation for that portion of the "me-too" with APT was not warranted. Discussions focused on increases to the salary schedule, stipends, and years of service credit. Both parties agreed to apply the entire "me-too" increase to the salary schedules A & B and to revisit the years of service issue after the full cost is known in 2024/25. The application of the "me-too" is as follows:
- Additional increase to the 2022/23 Salary Schedules of 1.68% effective July 1, 2023
- Additional increase to the 2022/23 Salary Schedules of 2.68% effective July 1, 2024
- Revisit the "me-too" for the APT years of service credit item in 2024/25 negotiations, once the cost of this item is determined.
Additionally, the District and CSEA signed an MOU on a Summer Bus Driver Incentive and revisions to the Job Description for the Paraprofessional Extensive Support Needs position. Overall, the negotiations were very collaborative and conducted in the spirit of the IBB model. Both teams expressed they were pleased with the process and outcome. Once CSEA completes its ratification process, the agreed upon items are planned to be brought to the Board of Trustees for approval at the May 23, 2024 Board Meeting.
The next negotiations session is scheduled for May 20, 2024 to begin discussion on the proposed reopeners by the District and CSEA.
May 10, 2023 Negotiations Session:
Our CSEA/District negotiation team met for a final time this year and reached a Tentative Agreement for the 2022-23 Fiscal Year and agreed to the following Articles:
- Article 3 HOURS
- Article 6 Evaluation Procedures
- Exhibit F Classified Employee Performance Report
- Article 8 Wages
- Article 18 Terms and Reopeners
- Article 20 Layoff and Reemployment
- Article 4 Leaves of Absence
- Exhibit D Classified Work year Range placement
- Exhibit I Diastat and Educational Stipend
- Exhibit M Classified Professional Growth Handbook
- Exhibit N MOU Regarding Classified School Employees Summer Assistance Program
April 28, 2023 Negotiations Session:
Agreement on the updated Professional Growth Handbook and contract language in 8.12 Professional Growth, 8.15 Staff Development and 8.18 Stipends (and Exhibit I for Educational Stipends for earned degrees).
Updated Exhibit D to reflect current Salary Ranges and contracted work years.
Agreement on Article 6 Evaluation Procedure language including Exhibit F revised performance evaluation report.
As a result of recent reclassification requests and committee approvals, Memorandum of Understanding agreeing to range and/or job description changes for 3 classifications.
April 12, 2023 Negotiations Session:
Agreement on a 1 year pilot fair share model for compensation with an ongoing 5.65% increase on the 2023-24 salary schedules.
Increase in benefits effective January 1, 2024, for those taking medical with the district.
Approval of 3 paid mandated professional days for all bargaining unit members.
Discussion of the Professional Growth Handbook, more in depth discussion to take place at the April 28, 2023, session
Reached an agreement on Article 20, Layoff.
Reached an agreement on a new job description for Paraprofessional Specialty Floater
March 20, 2023 Negotiations Session:
Presentation & discussion for Article 8 Wages, with regards to using a fair share compensation model based on a formula recommended by School Services of California.
Ahmad Sheikholeslami, spoke during the March 9, 2023, board meeting and shared the 2nd interim budget, he also introduced a concept of a fair share formula for compensation for the district and Board of Trustees. The district did mention that Napa Valley, & San Jose have used this model. Here is the report where he speaks to this model.
CSEA shared changes for Article 20 - Layoff, to update accordingly with new changes in the law under AB438.
Draft Paraprofessional Specialty - Floater, job description presented
March 6, 2023 Negotiations Session:
Completed and came to an understanding on our Hybrid Interest Based Bargaining (HIBB) model ground rules and norms.
Began discussion for Article 8, Wages
TA on Article 4-Leaves, improvement in Bereavement, allowance of designation of person, clarified language for Section 4.5-Attendance Incentive
Discussed a new Paraprofessional job description
February 22, 2023 Negotiations Session:
Discussed what a Hybrid Interest Based bargaining team would look like. We met for 5 hours and established what the ground rules and norms would be for this team. We did utilize an IBB facilitator to ensure that Interest based concepts were kept in mind while we worked together. We accomplished this during the first half of our day. This gave us an opportunity to take an interest and begin a brainstorming session to address a common interest for Article 8-Wages. While we did not complete this process during this session, initial progress was made.
Both teams felt it was a productive day. While everyone is still finding their way through this process, the facilitator will assist at future negotiations dates and keep both parties on the path of interest-based standards. CSEA indicates that they will continue to move forward in a positive direction and achieve good faith bargaining with PUSD. Future negotiations dates have been set up through May. The mutual commitment to the HIBB process is to solidify our bargaining relationship, and build trust and mutual respect.