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Parent Liaisons

There can be linguistic and cultural barriers that prevent parents/families from fully engaging with our school system. The job of a District Parent Liaison is to support parents/guardians and families; providing information regarding services available to eligible students and families; conveying information regarding the school and/or district activities and procedures. Referring families to other agencies and acting as an advocate for socioeconomically disadvantaged, English Learner, and Foster/Kinship families in the local and wider community.

What is a parent liaison?

At PUSD we view parents and guardians as a child’s first teacher. A parent liaison is a school staff member who works at schools to specifically help parents and families get the information that they need to support their students as learners. A parent liaison’s primary role is to build bridges between the families and our school system.

How do I contact a parent liaison?

Each school site has a designated parent liaison. Please contact the liaison for the site that your child/children attend. That said, we understand that you may need to contact a parent liaison from another site due to language and translation needs. If you are unsure of who to contact please email and someone will assist you.

What are a few ways that parent liaisons help?

  • Facilitate communication between school and home
  • Facilitate access to District policies, programs, and community services
  • Orient students and families with the District facilities and required processes
  • Responds to family inquiries with regard to access to district information and student access to classes/curriculum
  • Organize and facilitate parent support classes
  • Share strategies that can help students in the home
  • Arrange and attend meetings with school staff regarding student achievement
  • Coordinate technology for students
  • Assist staff when cultural and/or language barriers exist
  • Participates in ELAC and DELAC
  • Assist parents and families in enrolling in skill development courses (ESL, nutrition, computer training)
  • Disseminate information and resources to families